Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Creating a New Cover

So, cover #2.

Originally, the idea was to keep the same cartoon figure on all three covers, only varying the background cover colors and subtitles. But my fall play stipend is in my pocket, and I find myself more interested in playing with Chase Cooper than buying another pair of jeans, finishing the hearth on my fireplace, or going back to the dentist to fix this one annoying tooth...

Sean Tiffany, get ready for a little more work.

After two months of flirting with the idea, I have had an epiphany on the pic for vol 2. Even as Chase is becoming more and more the hero of his own life, he is letting go of his fantastical dreams of being "super." This next picture will reflect this change in his wearing his cape over regular clothes... jeans and a tee?

While flying.

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