Monday, March 9, 2015

Working on the Lenovo

So far I am writing Lio and Lamb on my Lenovo Yoga laptop.

And, surprise to me, I am enjoying it. I purchased the Yoga in 2013, but it sat around unused and uncharged for most of 2014. This revelation, that I don't hate the machine, has me perplexed.

Graciously so.

The biggest difference, which I have mentioned in earlier posts, is moving the cursor around. On Apple keyboards, moving to the end of a line is a simple command+arrow. I have that shortcut fused into my subconscious memory. I think of moving to the end of the line and barely register hitting the keys to get there.

It doesn't work so easily on a windows based keyboard. Instead, to move to the end or start of a line, I need to hit the devoted "end" or "home" key, which are both easy to hit, but they require moving my hands away from the touch typing position. And I'm just not used to it.

Also, the PC delete/backspace key is slightly to the right of the Apple one, so my touch typing is a little off sometimes. I end up with ////// or  ====== where I meant to delete the word broken, for instance. And if I overcompensate, I end up at "home" and the cursor moves to South Dakota for a few minutes -- until I realize what I've done and find it. Then it's undo undo undo undo undo until I fix the mess I've made in the interim. I should call this move the South Dakota shuffle.

I will admit the Lenovo's touch screen is convenient at times. To move the page up or down, I just swipe it, like on my phone. I'm even faster with the magic mouse on my Mac, though. All in all, using the Lenovo's page up and page down keys is actually more efficient than swiping. Here's why: moving the page up and down with swipes means that the cursor ends up in odd spots.

And we're back to doing the South Dakota shuffle.

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