In June, everyone asks teachers, "So what are you doing this summer?" My friends know me well enough to be more specific. They usually ask, "So where are you traveling this summer?" and "What projects are you doing this summer?" and "What are you writing this summer?"
I knew I'd be traveling to Wisconsin, Leech Lake, Winona, Montana, and NYC. I also knew that my house was getting reshingled. Done, done, done, done, done, and done.
But my writing plan was this:
1. Write every day.
2. Finish the first draft.
3. Read the draft end to end to find gaps.
4. Fill gaps.
5. Read the draft end to end while revising, checking specifically for POV focus and style consistency.
6. Send query letters to agents.
Yeah, the writing plan was a fail. Not an epic fail, as I wrote a lot and know where I'm going with the story. But I didn't write every day or finish the draft.
And so, a change of plan.
It turns out that this novel wants to be part of a larger story. That story starts about six months before my characters show up at Castle Aco. It also might continue after the events of Castle Aco, about five months later. It wants to be a trilogy.
The good news: Publishers (and readers) seem to like series.
The bad news: Most series are told chronologically. That means I have to finish this story and write the previous one before I share or pitch it. Unless readers would be willing to read out-of-order. I kind of like that idea. But it's unconventional.
More bad news: Readers prefer series that are told. They no longer seem to have the patience to wait for the final installment. Consider the Game of Thrones and Kingkiller Chronicles series. Comments toward Martin and Rothfuss can get nasty.
Let's call the summer of 2016 successful, as I did make progress. But I need to make new goals.
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