Saturday, October 8, 2011

Chase Cooper Convention!

Last weekend, I attended the annual "Let's get together up North!" weekend with my college roommates. We gathered (as usual) at a cabin on Battle Lake. In the run up, massive spam-worthy emails were exchanged between all involved. Though, as I look back, not as many as usual.

That should have been my first clue that something was up.

Instead of 147 emails in which we debated our "theme" of the year and who was bring what supplies and food, everyone just seemed to say she was tired and wanted to "relax." Go out to eat. Take naps. Listen to relaxing music and look at relaxing Sark pix.

So when I saw the Sark art distributed around the dining area and this little display on the buffet counter, I thought, "Ah! We are relaxing and celebrating my novel!" But not in a big, embarrassing way.

I was duped.

Before bed, everyone seemed especially interested in where I would sleep. It was suggested I take the king-sized bed on the main floor. For some reason they all followed me as I wheeled my suitcase into the room, where I saw a red and white display of pillows on the bed.

When I saw this one:

I asked, "C for Carol?" Carol being the owner of the cabin.

There was wild laughter.

Then it hit me: C for Chase.

It amazed me that the celebration was larger than the little display. Angie's Aunt Jan had sewn the lovely pillow. I went to sleep thankful for my beautiful and kind roommates.

Then, Saturday morning, THIS wandered into the kitchen.

"This" being Lisa in a Chase Cooper inspired top and cape.

Still I didn't realize the extent to which we would soon go to spread the Chase Cooper name across Otter Tail County. The situation became more clear when Lisa was followed by...

Donna and Sheri.

Finally, it hit me. The theme of the weekend was not, in the least, relaxation.

Thanks to my roommies for all your loving attention, both before and during the awesome weekend. Not many people have friends like you... Friends willing to hawk books in the parking lot of a fancy resort/golf course while dressed in Halloween worthy costumes are exceedingly rare.

I am glad to have you as my sidekicks.

I love you all!

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