One of the biggest challenges for me while writing SPOTD was finding a villain. And you don't have much of a superhero without a decent villain to act as a foil.
In fact, the villains tend to steal the show.
I struggled finding SPOTD's villain because I didn't want him (or her) to be cliched. And a bully is a big cliche. Even more than that, I didn't want Chase to fill the cliche of a bullied kid. Eventually I realized that Chase's sister Addy could be the target of the bullying, and the unfortunate Billy Bully was born.
Even though Billy is present from chapter one, Chase doesn't see him as dangerous. He is blind to his sister's situation. He must first overcome the villainous part of his own personality -- how he mistreats his sister Addy. Then he can see her problems and step into the role of protector.
Once again, I am faced with the challenge of finding villains. This time, they need to be plentiful. And to my surprise, this time they have been easier to write.
All I had to do was let them start killing people.